32 research outputs found

    Neoliberal governance, sustainable development and local communities in the Barents Region

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    There are currently high hopes in the Barents Region for economic growth, higher employment and improved well-being, encouraged by developments in the energy industry, tourism and mining. The article discusses these prospects from the perspective of local communities in five locations in the region, which spans the northernmost counties of Finland, Norway, Sweden and Northwest Russia. The communities studied are remote, relatively small, multicultural, and dependent on natural resources. The salient dynamic illuminated in the research is how ideas of sustainability and neoliberal governance meet in community development. While the two governmentalities often conflict, they sometimes also complement one another, posing a paradox that raises concerns over the social aspect of sustainable development in particular. The article is based on international, multidisciplinary research drawing on interviews as well as statistical and documentary analysis


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    To evaluate the rationality and separation conditions of alkyl esters of phosphorous P(III) and P(V) acids using reversed phase HPLC with mass spectrometric detection, the analyses of reaction mixtures of two 1-alkanols (1-butanol and 1-heptanol) with PCl3 in the presence of N,N-dimethyl aniline (for pH correction) have been carried out. In accordance with the previous results, these mixtures preferably contain trialkyl phosphites (RO)3P and dialkyl phosphonates (RO)2PH=O. However, the results of HPLC-MS analyses indicate the prevalence of oxidation products P(III) ® P(V) in the composition of these mixtures, namely trialkyl phosphates (RO)3OP. In accordance with this scheme, the appearance of diheptyl phosphate (C7H15O)2P(=O)-OH is caused by the oxidation of diheptyl phosphonate. Possible reasons of such discrepancies in the composition of reaction mixtures are discussed. One of them may be oxidation of P(III) derivatives by air oxygen during storage, or, tentatively, due to electrochemical reactions during electrospray ionization. The reaction mixture of 1-heptanol with PCl3 contains two components with the same molecular weights (M = 294) and identical mass spectra, but strongly different retention parameters (tR 5.4 and 16.0 min). The second of them is diheptyl phosphonate. To explain the appearance the first of them, existence of more hydrophilic prototropic tautomer (C7H15O)P-OH (contains hydroxyl group in the molecule) was proposed. Comparing the analytical results obtained in positive and negative modes of detection indicates that the first of them seems to be more effective for detection of alkyl esters of P(III) and P(V) phosphorous acids.Keywords: Trialkyl phosphites, dialkyl phosphonates, reversed phase HPLC, MS-detection, determination in reaction mixtures, oxidation productsDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.014(Russian)Igor G. Zenkevich,   Tatiana I. Pushkareva,   Vlada E. NosovaSt. Petersburg State University,Universitetskii prosp., 26, St. Petersburg,   198504, Russian Federation  Для оценки целесообразности и характеристики особенностей разделения алкиловых эфиров фосфорных кислот P(III) и P(V) с использованием обращенно-фазовой высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии (ОФ ВЭЖХ) и их масс-спектрометри­чес­кого детектирования проведен анализ реакционных смесей двух 1-алканолов (ROH) (1-бута­нола и 1-гептанола) с трихлоридом фосфора (PCl3) в присутствии N,N-диметил­ани­лина для регулирования рН. В соответствии с предварительными данными, такие смеси содержат трилкилфосфиты (RO)3P и диалкилфосфонаты (RO)2PH=O. Однако по данным ВЭЖХ-МС-МС анализа в их составе преобладают продукты окисления производных Р(III) до производных P(V), а именно соответствующие триалкилфосфаты (RO)3P=O. В реакционной смеси 1-гептанола с PCl3 обнаружен дигептилфосфат (C7H15O)2P(O)-OH, вероятнее всего образующийся при окислении дигептилфосфоната. Обсуждаются возможные причины выявленных несоответствий в результатах определения состава реакционных смесей разными методами, в том числе окисление производных P(III) кислородом воздуха при их хранении или, предположительно, в результате электрохимических трансформаций аналитов в процессе электрораспылительной ионизации. В реакционной смеси 1-гептанола с PCl3 обнаружены два компонента с одинако­выми молекулярными массами (М = 294) и идентичными масс-спектрами, но значительно отличающимися по параметрам удерживания (tR = 5.4 и 16.0 мин). Второй из них однозначно соответствует дигептилфосфонату (C7H15O)2PH=O. Высказано предположе­ние, что первый пик может принадлежать прототропному таутомеру (C7H15O)P-OH, более гидрофильному за счет наличия гидроксильной группы в молекуле. Показано, что детектирование положительно заряженных ионов в условиях ВЭЖХ-МС значительно более эффективно при определении алкиловых эфиров кислот P(III) и P(V), чем отрицательных.Ключевые слова: Триалкилфосфиты, диалкилфосфонаты, обращенно-фазовая высоко­эффективная жидкост­ная хроматография, масс-спектрометрия, определение в реакционных смесях, продукты окисления  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.01

    The bacteriocolonic pathway for ethanol oxidation: its enzymatic capacity and in vivo role

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    Alkoholin kulutuksen ja päihdepalvelujen muutoksia viime vuosien Venäjällä

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    Summary: Alcohol consumption, problem drinking and the treatment system in Russia in the 1990's


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    Various types of young family needs noted by the author are studied in the article: a need for parents’ help, state support, medical and social services.It is established that needs for medical and social help initially predominate in the structure of requirements of ethnic cohorts of young families both in cities and countryside, increasing according to the period and duration of marriage of a family.Ethnic differences of young family needs are revealed in all studied cohorts in the structure of the less significant types of assistance – parents’ help and state support, undoubtedly, due to the differences in reproductive activity of young ethnic families depending on the area of residence.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-2В статье рассмотрены выделенные автором виды нуждаемости молодой семьи: потребность в помощи родителей, помощи государства и медико-социальных услугах.Установлено, что в структуре потребностей этнических когорт молодых семей изначально преобладает нуждаемость в медико-социальной помощи как в городах, так и сельских территориях проживания, увеличивающейся соответственно периоду и длительности брачности семьи. Этнические различия нуждаемости молодой семьи выявлены во всех исследуемых когортах в структуре менее значимых видов помощи - помощи родительских семей и в помощи государства, несомненно, обусловлены различиями в репродуктивной активности молодой этнической семьи в зависимости от  территории проживания.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-

    Efficacy of combined treatment of distal polyneuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and concomitant primaryhypothyroidism

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    Aim. To study changes of metabolic parameters and neurologic manifestations in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and concomitant primaryhypothyroidism under effect of combined therapy. Materials and methods. 62 patients with distal neuropathy (DN) including 16 with DM2 and primary hypothyroidism (PHT) (group 1), 32 DM2patients without thyroid pathology (group 2), and 15 patients with PHT without DM (group 3). The patients were matched for age and durationof all above diseases. They were treated by alpha lipoic acid-based drugs: thioctacid, thiogamma, berlithion, octolipen (600 U/d i/v), vitamins B:milgamma, combilipen (2 ml/d i/m) for 12 weeks. All measurements were made at admittance, 21 days and 12 weeks after it. The efficacy of therapywas estimated from changes in HbA1c levels, fasting and postprandial glycemia, lipid metabolism. DN was diagnosed using NSS, TSS, NDS, NDSm,and NIS-LL scales. Results. Combined therapy of patients with DM2 and PHT resulted in a decrease of HbA1c levels within 12 weeks, fasting and postprandialglycemia within 21 and 12 weeks respectively. Compensation of PHT led to a decrease of total cholesterol and triglyceride levels within 12 weeks.Subcompensation of carbohydrate metabolism (postprandial glycemia) improved neurologic symptoms within 21 weeks in all patients (NSS and TSSscales). The same effect was documented within 12 weeks in patients without thyroid pathology (NSS, TSS, NDS, NDSm, and NIS-LL scales). Inthose with PHT beneficial effect was revealed only using the NIS-LL scale. The worst outcome of therapy estimated from NSS, TSS, NDS, NDSm,and NIS-LL scales was documented in patients with DM2+PHT probably due to additional effect of thyroid pathology on the severity of DN. Conclusion. The use of NSS, TSS, NDS, NDSm, and NIS-LL scales makes it possible to reveal changes in the severity of sensorimotor disturbancesin DN patients depending on metabolic parameters modified by pathogenetic therapy

    Development of methodology for evaluation of innovative IT-projects

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    Innovative business development based on a digital transformation is the urgent task for companies. It is able to ensure the implementation of innovation strategy and digital transformation of business. Due to the high development speed and the IT-market updating, the problem is lack of methods of rational choice of the IT-project. In practice, companies often implement IT-projects without reasonable selection and ranking, which leads to a high proportion of failed innovative IT-projects. As a result, the company does not receive a commercially successful product or service that stands out to the consumer among competitors. The evaluation of innovative IT-projects is based on the financial indicators analysis of the expected results from the implementation. The evaluation of the strategic coherence of the project is ignored. The research approaches the methodical of ranking innovative IT-projects in companies. The method consists in a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the proposed project results in various aspects of the company (strategic, environmental, organizational and technological). The study highlights the features of innovative projects in the field of information technology, a comparative analysis of methodological approaches to the evaluation of innovative projects, modified the model of acceptance of IT-innovations

    Chinazolinové push-pull chromofory substituované elektronakceptory: syntéza, elektrochemické, foto fyzikální a nelineární optické vlastnosti

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    A series of chromophores bearing 4-cyanoquinazoline, 2-(4-cyanophenyl)quinazoline or 2-(4-trifluorophenyl)quinazoline electron-acceptor (A) and 5-(4-aminophenyl)thiophen-2-yl or 4-aminophenyl electron-donor (D) units has been designed. The influence of the electron-withdrawing substituent on the pyrimidine core as well as the nature of the amino electron donating group has been studied by cyclic voltammetry, UV/Vis and emission spectroscopy. Whereas 2-(4-cyanophenyl)quinazoline and 2-(4-trifluorophenyl)quinazoline derivatives are highly luminescent in chloroform solution, 4-cyanoquinazolines are poorly emissive. Interestingly all compounds are luminescent in the solid state with the emission ranging from blue to red. The second order nonlinear optical properties were studied using electric field induced second harmonic generation (EFISH) method. Quantum-chemical calculations corroborate the aforementioned experimental results.Byly syntetizovány chromofory 4‐kyanchinazolin, 2‐(4‐kyanfenyl)chinazolin and 2‐(4‐trifluorfenyl)chinazolin nesoucí elektrondonorní jednotku 5‐(4‐aminofenyl)thiofen‐2‐yl nebo 4‐aminofenyl. Byla provedena UV/Vis a emisní spektroskopie, cyklická voltametrie, metoda EISH a byly provedeny kvantově-chemické výpočty